Papa John’s Pizza i Ponce

Puerto RicoPapa John’s Pizza



🕗 åbningstider

Plaza Del Caribe Shopping Center, Ave. Rafel Cordero Local #1, Ponce, 00731, Puerto Rico
kontakter telefon: +1 787-842-1600
internet side:
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Latitude: 17.9892729, Longitude: -66.6113956

kommentar 5

  • Rosa Bernardini

    Rosa Bernardini


    Lo recomiendo. Lugar donde las pizzas son riquisimas.

  • Ingrid C Ortiz Gonzalez

    Ingrid C Ortiz Gonzalez


    The visit was nice, the place is clean and they mantain it. The worker inside looks very paceful working. However one cashier was in a bad mood and arrogant. I asked if they had order online service and her attitude was even more arrogant. The cashier next to er just look at me and say no with the face but with better mood than the one that attendend us.

  • Pierre Valentin

    Pierre Valentin


    Defenetly try the thin crust meat pizza 😙

  • Carlos Rosado Valladares

    Carlos Rosado Valladares


    Usually crowded but the pizza 🍕 is good.

  • ismael rosado lopez

    ismael rosado lopez


    food is good. place is clean. It gets crowded.

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