Parque Forestal La Marquesa i Guaynabo

Puerto RicoParque Forestal La Marquesa



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Puerto Rico 834, 00957, Guaynabo, Sonadora, PR Puerto Rico
kontakter telefon: +1 787-272-4530
internet side:
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Latitude: 18.2953934, Longitude: -66.1163355

kommentar 5

  • Jose Colon

    Jose Colon


    The best Forest Park near metropolitan area in Guaynabo. Now closed for the damages of the Huracain Maria. But they will be open when finished the repairs of damages.

  • Harajuku Nicky

    Harajuku Nicky


    I absolutely loved this park. It has like 6 different playground for children. The aviary and the butterfly house are in great condition. The birds are stunning. You should definitely try the funicular. The observation tower is a must, it has beautiful views.

  • Talitha Black

    Talitha Black


    Very nice place to visit. The rail car ride was great, you over look the forest and you get to experience beautiful sights. Bird observation and buttery garden were wonderful, there are also two playground areas for kids to play.

  • Emmanuel Liz

    Emmanuel Liz


    This park is great if you have children. If you don't have children you will still have fun. The monarch butterfly and Parrots are beautiful. They have 3 playgrounds for young children to have some fun. Food is fairly cheap, which is a plus. They have 2 forms of travel with in the park. Train ride (tractor) or cable trolley. All in all its fun place to visit.

  • Oscar Lucin

    Oscar Lucin


    Great place to spend a few hours. The Gondola Lift was down which would have had good canopy views. The observation tower was cool but definitely a few minutes of exertion to get to. The aviary and butterfly section were awesome. Definitely never been so close to so many types of parrots.

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