Parroquia Nuestra Señora De La Monserrate i Bayamón

Puerto RicoParroquia Nuestra Señora De La Monserrate


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Puerto Rico 829 Km 10.4. Bo, Bayamón 00957, Puerto Rico
kontakter telefon: +1 787-799-7340
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Latitude: 18.3184446, Longitude: -66.1618365

kommentar 5

  • jasmi gia

    jasmi gia


    I would have liked the priests to be more courageous and to have opposed the closing of the churches or at least to have given confessions and communion individually with due precautions, there is no faith that everything is in the hands of God. Now the governor mentioned that We have religious freedom, which means that the priests or the bishop can decide which days to have the church, not only on Saturday or Sunday, which is the fear of physical death, we are always going to die, the important thing is the salvation of the soul! But the damage that was done by allowing the churches to close and not giving the sacraments will be seen after death.

  • Juan Ruiz

    Juan Ruiz


    Beautiful place,

  • Maria_Martinez



    Excellent for those who like a charismatic mass. Excellent priests Cozy atmosphere. Very good community

  • Alberto Vega

    Alberto Vega


    Love it

  • Iraida De jesus

    Iraida De jesus


    Since about 1 year ago I am attending the parish. I like very much His parish priest Antonio Cortez Like the community

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