Parroquia San Ignacio de Loyola i San Juan

Puerto RicoParroquia San Ignacio de Loyola


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1904, Calle Narciso, 00927, San Juan, PR Puerto Rico
kontakter telefon: +1 787-751-7512
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Latitude: 18.3766019, Longitude: -66.0857983

kommentar 5

  • en

    Jerry R. Caudill


  • en

    David de Angel


    There is a variety of great Jesuits who give mass (though there is always a main parishioner). Sermons always focus on making the Scripture relevant to current events, be it in Puerto Rico, the US, the universal Church, or the World. They always have a focus on family and tradition as well. Also, they are flexible (within the limits established by cannon law) about the sacraments and ceremonies, making them feel accessible to all. Other Pros > Clearly established community > Very welcoming > Committed choir > Interesting tropical architecture. Cons > Not many young families or students (despite it being a templed used by three Catholic Schools that surround it). > In need of upkeep > If there is no breeze the heat is terrible.

  • Ivan Garcia-Caban

    Ivan Garcia-Caban


    Lovely church. Great staff. Super community.

  • es

    Agnes Rosado


  • Maritza Lamoso

    Maritza Lamoso


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