Pep Boys i Humacao

Puerto RicoPep Boys



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350, Puerto Rico 3, 00791, Humacao, PR Puerto Rico
kontakter telefon: +1 787-852-9000
internet side:
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Latitude: 18.1441308, Longitude: -65.8102568

kommentar 5

  • Nestor Garcia

    Nestor Garcia


    It was a very simple repair needed. Day 1, show up a the scheduled appointment, leave the car, walk all the way to walmart carrying a baby only for them to call and say the mechanic is going to lunch and it's going to take all day. So because I had the baby I couldn't wait all day. Come back a week later at the scheduled appointment time. Mechanic is late, not yet at work. Leave the car there... get a call 2 hours later saying that the wrong part was ordered for the car and they have no idea when they will get the correct one. I will never go back to this place again.

  • Luis Martinez

    Luis Martinez


    Personel are very helpful and willing to help with what you need very pleased on how thay attended mi recommended my mi thanks pep boys

  • Israel Quinones

    Israel Quinones


    Flat tire gone BAD Took vehicle to repair a flat. After mechanic an technician inspected the tire. I was told by technician that the tire had previously been repaired and that I needed a new tire. New tire after prorate discount was going to be $106.00. I agreed on repairs. After the repair was completed I asked the mechanic to view the tire. After inspection of the tire I noticed tire had never been previously repaired as explained by the technician and asked to speak with a manager. I spoke with Mr. Bengie the manager and he agreed that my tire could be repaired. He advised on an umbrella looking patch his mechanic was going to install. A day later while away from home with my family the TIRE WAS FLAT. My vehicle was towed to a local tire shop for repairs. I explained the repairs previously performed at Pep Boys Humacao to the technician. Tire was removed and dismounted from the rim because it was leaking air from the previous repair. After inspection tire was never properly patched. A plug was inserted and rubber looking liner was glued in the interior of the tire. Two days later I confronted Mr. Bengie the manager and his only defense was that it was an approved repair. Totally deviated from the repair I was advised

  • Efrain Rodriguez

    Efrain Rodriguez


    Not the kind of shop I would purchase auto parts because of high prices and impolite attention and service.

  • Jose Laboy

    Jose Laboy


    I went here to ask if I could do my alignment they said yes to my 1999 toyota camry.i ask how much.they said 30 something dollars or 90 dollar above I said ok give me the 90 dollar above service.after they analyze the car they came up with a prize of $759.dollars for full the math.for a new car I would pay the amount but for a older car give me a break.pepboys you disappointed me totally.

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