Petco i Guaynabo

Puerto RicoPetco



🕗 åbningstider

130, Calle Acuarela, 00969, Guaynabo, PR Puerto Rico
kontakter telefon: +1 787-789-7485
internet side:
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Latitude: 18.3741776, Longitude: -66.1093283

kommentar 5

  • Luis Montes

    Luis Montes


    Very good service and product quality. It feels more upscale than the competition (petsmart). The personnel take their time to help you make decision. It’s a bit pricier but better quality.

  • Benedicto Colón-Pérez, MD,JD

    Benedicto Colón-Pérez, MD,JD


    My order was processed very fast. In less than 1 hr the order was ready for pickup

  • Ricardo Quadreny

    Ricardo Quadreny


    When I visit your store, I am always greeted very nicely and always find products that I'm looking for.

  • Kenisha Hernandez

    Kenisha Hernandez


    I and my buying online and it was really easy finding out which food to select. After receiving my email for pick up the waiting time was less than 5 min. Excellent service. Totally recommended.

  • Vanessa D Miranda

    Vanessa D Miranda


    I had to go to get food for my cats before work otherwise they wouldn't have had food until later. This was the only store that was open early enough so I'm grateful. It's clean and the attendant helped me out by allowing me to pay and leaving the bag of food there for my brother to get so the cats ate at a reasonable time. Super friendly. Thanks a million!

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