Piazza i Guaynabo

Puerto RicoPiazza



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Avenida Parque de los Niños, 00969, Guaynabo, PR Puerto Rico
kontakter telefon: +1 787-708-6440
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Latitude: 18.3629651, Longitude: -66.1126911

kommentar 5

  • en

    Antonio Barreiro


    Worst costumer service to order delivery I’ve ever seen. I don’t know about the place but the last 4/5 times I’ve called they left me on hold and never took my order. Last time it was over 15 min waiting for them to come back to my call. When I did order it it wasn’t even good. Not to mention Overpriced

  • en

    Jose Orlando Rivera


    Great Pizza and service.

  • Frank Pizarro

    Frank Pizarro


    Pizza is, at it's core, a very simple thing. Anyone can pile toppings on baked dough. To make good pizza though, you have to sweat the details. The process, the ingredients... when done right, that's when simple becomes delicious. And that's what makes this place special. At Piazza, it seems skimping is against the rules. It's owner obsessed with making sure you get an amazing experience. From the authentic oven, to the meticulous choice of ingredients which include imported flour and tomatoes, everything has been selected to ensure every bite is pure joy. This all becomes evident when you taste one of their delicious pies. And folks, what wonderful pies they are! From the simple cheese pizza (always a good way to judge a pizzeria) to the flavorful meat lovers and, saving the best for last, the Pizza a la Vodka. A combination of cheese, prosciutto and sauce that has to be tasted to be believed. I am yet to try something I have not liked. As if that wasn't enough, they have an awesome beer selection filled with both local and international micro-brews. Beer and Pizza. Can you think of a better combination? And that's just the tip of the iceberg. I havent even covered their pastas and rissottos and dont get me started on the homemade desserts. (Hint: Tiramisu, Black & White Cheesecake... it's all good.) So do not hesitate to try this place. Run, dont walk to Guaynabo and enjoy one of the truly original culinary experiences in Puerto Rico

  • en

    Giancarlo Irizarry


    Excellent pizza and good selection of craft beers. Pizza a la Vodka is the best!

  • Elfrick Mendez

    Elfrick Mendez


    Awesome food and service!

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