Podiatry Center i San Juan

Puerto RicoPodiatry Center



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1413, Avenida Manuel Fernández Juncos, 00909, San Juan, PR Puerto Rico
kontakter telefon: +1 787-723-0101
internet side: www.podiatriccenterpr.com
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Latitude: 18.446287, Longitude: -66.0718747

kommentar 5

  • maria l vazquez

    maria l vazquez


    As of today with an appointment 7 am for the first time, following telephone calls, I arrive at the door to notify that I was in the parking lot. The gentleman in charge without identifying himself and without knowing my name orders me to wait outside and I was outside, not He allowed to speak. Then he reaches my car and tells me to park in reverse, I tell him that I will do it when a car that was in the center of the parking lot left since it is an avenue, small parking lot so it is difficult This gentleman without a name Very hostile, aggressive, he keeps telling me to move the car or to leave, he did not allow me to fill out the file or anything and he tells me to leave for 3 times, I ask how there is an employee like this treating patients, I left and here I am, good doctor But with an employee like this is very bad Call and notify the secretary.

  • Zach Smith

    Zach Smith


    The service was fast and professional. They saw me quickly and since I had a trama injury, the doctor quickly referred me somewhere else. The staff was friendly, spoke fluent english and were comforting. I would recommend this podiatry center to anyone!

  • Becca



    I have to thanks the staff, they are very proffesional. But the Dr. had this attitude because I was tired of sitting with my mother with Alzheimer and he told me if I was Looking at him and following him. I told him that i was at the door resting and told me with this nasty tone its not right to wait at the door. My mother was waiting insided. I told him that I was Sorry but he told me it was a joke. That I Didn't take as a joke.Really a joke. Im in medical office not in circus parade.

  • Ivette Ramos

    Ivette Ramos


    Iam only giving it a one because there’s no 0. I made my appointment with a very professional person that answered the call . Thanks for her good manners . Today I beat the traffic and set out to my scheduled appointment.Got lost , someone from the staff helped me get there , thanks ; but upon arriving guess what ?The parking was full and the attendant told me I could leave the car there in the street against the traffic. Horrified I said what ... he said ma’am Iam trying to help you but you don’t want the help. I said listen if I leave the car in the street against the traffic will your insurance cover any damage in case of an accident... No thanks . He didn’t offer any other suggestions so I left . But what bothers me the most is that I know the issue of parking in Santurce but this site shows pictures of this office building with a huge parking area no no no that is not for the public the picture that is missing is the picture of parking space for about 7 cars 2 blocking the others .That is parking for the patients . Don’t understand and as I was not attending I decided to call to explain why i was leaving but the phone was busy all the time for about 30 minutes 😳

  • Millie Pizarro

    Millie Pizarro


    The service is excellent!!

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