Policia de Puerto Rico Cuartel Turistica i San Juan

Puerto RicoPolicia de Puerto Rico Cuartel Turistica



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106, Calle Bucare, 00913, San Juan, PR Puerto Rico
kontakter telefon: +1 787-726-1230
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 18.4495142, Longitude: -66.0391778

kommentar 5

  • Alexandra Echavarri

    Alexandra Echavarri


    They never answer! We have been dealing with fireworks coming from a business on Jupiter that does not follow the laws of the ordinance. They do nothing, politicians do nothing!

  • Ignacio Guerra

    Ignacio Guerra


    Nobody ever appeared for the complaint that ice since they threatened me they took all my data and nobody ever came and then they say blessed because they killed him of course due to negligence what is here with the police

  • Vivian Rivera Santiago

    Vivian Rivera Santiago


    My name Jose A. Ramírez Báez 15466, I worked for the year 1990 until 1996 when I was transferred to the West area. It was the most beautiful experience lived by the place and by everyone I worked with. I keep in my soul feelings and memories that I will never forget. I will never forget the Wolf, MiñiMiñi, the old Maisonet great a great teacher, Fernández Berdeguez the papo swin of the Police and all the equipment that worked there. Blessings to them and those who are not, I beg the creator to be part of their entourage of security and those who are more blessings and my respects, God take care and protect them.

  • Roxana Ruberte

    Roxana Ruberte


    I called for loud music late at night from a business near my house and they didn't solve anything.

  • samuel acevedo

    samuel acevedo



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