Policía de Puerto Rico- Precinto Bayamón Norte i Bayamón

Puerto RicoPolicía de Puerto Rico- Precinto Bayamón Norte



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Santa Rosa y Complejo Deportivo, Bayamón, 00959, Puerto Rico
kontakter telefon: +1 787-787-9999
internet side: policia.pr.gov
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 18.3939035, Longitude: -66.1501347

kommentar 5

  • HGR45



    Nobody answers that phone

  • Tyler Morrison

    Tyler Morrison


    Nobody answers that phone. !!!

  • K c

    K c


    Tremendous service !! The first time I went I was there for a situation and between one thing and the other, I arrived at the shift agents and the agents that were there and the supervisor too much attention and guidance. I congratulate you. They should be the headquarters of Excellence.

  • Luis Guadalupe

    Luis Guadalupe


    The services of this Police department are very inefficient, very unprofessional and as if that were not enough, you have to wait hours, firstly so that they give you the complaint number, you call and they do not answer the phone, after you managed to get the number of your complaint You have to wait fifteen days for the police report to be given to you. Please, how do you want us to support the police of this country when the complete logistics of the Puerto Rico Police Department is on the ground, they cannot even be enough in a simple report or complaint.

  • Robert A. Ferrer

    Robert A. Ferrer


    Excelent service...

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