Pravan Health i San Juan

Puerto RicoPravan Health



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1511, Avenida de la Constitución, 00909, San Juan, PR Puerto Rico
kontakter telefon: +1 787-339-2639
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Latitude: 18.445385, Longitude: -66.0669504

kommentar 5

  • Lissette Rodriguez

    Lissette Rodriguez


    Pravan has been excellent, they respond almost immediately to questions and concerns via Spruce app. They have been able to treat general concerns and coordinate care with other providers for more specialized care. Everyone on their staff has gone above and beyond to make the process easy and enjoyable.

  • Michelle Rankin

    Michelle Rankin


    I have been a member for over a year now and Pravan has proven to be a great care provider for general needs. I also have specialists which I needed to coordinate care, and they were able to help me find the appropriate doctors to collaborate care. I am very grateful for their SPRUCE app, which makes urgent care requests easier, 24 hours a day. There is always a doctor on call to help at anytime. The doctors are fantastic, and the nurses are wonderful individuals who help in anyway possible. Moving to Puerto Rico was a big change, especially since I needed ongoing care from different specialists. I can't begin to say, how wonderful it was to have a liaison to guide me through the process and coordinate care beyond general practice. It eased my worries, which to me, is priceless.

  • Maggie Wolszczan

    Maggie Wolszczan


    Joining Pravan has been a godsend. Anytime I have a medical issue, the service is swift, efficient and of the highest quality...not to mention that almost all communications occur via the mobile app! So, I don't have to waste hours in a doctors office is at my fingertips! If an appt. is necessary, I am accommodated almost immediately and with zero wait time. But there is another element of value to Pravan Clinic. Quality isn't just about customer service, but also about the knowledge base of the staff as it pertains to the co-mingling western and alternative medicines. They teach you, the patient, the practice of living a healthy lifestyle across multiple facets. How many doctor's offices can offer an educational component to their patients? Not many, in my experience. At Pravan I can ask questions like, "why did this happen to me?," and Not get generic answers with prescription drug answers. The response Pravan offers comes in the form of detailed conversations with my doctor about my medical history and my current lifestyle, offering customized care, preventative solutions tailored to me. Being a person that believes that true health comes from eating clean and healthy, in walking a healthy walk that doesn't require prescription medications as immediate cures, joining this clinic has been a great experience. I believe in the long game when it comes to personal health, not in quick fixes. *My favorite perk: The IV treatments!! Always keeping the flu away!

  • Rafael Martinez

    Rafael Martinez


    I have been a member of Pravan Health for over a year now. I am very impressed with the organization, the welcoming and friendly environment, the punctuality of the appointments, the quality of their supporting staff, their coordination of external medical, pharmaceutical and laboratory services, and their use of technology for record keeping, patient communication, and researching medical issues. However, what I have been more impressed is with the quality of the medical care. Dr Tania Rivera is excellent listening to my concerns, and enlisting my collaboration in developing a medical plan to improve my health. She combines the best of traditional medicine with an emphasis on improving, via nutritional and natural approaches, the capacity of one’s body to heal, maintain and improve one’s health. I recently had my yearly physical and it was the most comprehensive ever. I was very happy with the results! I wholeheartedly recommend Pravan Health to serve and coordinate your medical needs.

  • Chris Brunner

    Chris Brunner


    I just went for my first annual checkup at Pravan Health, and I cannot recommend them highly enough. In the mainland, I've always felt like doctors move from patient to patient as quickly as possible. Not at Pravan. They are incredibly professional, thorough, detail-oriented, and friendly -- all of them: the nurses, the doctors, and even the non-medical staff. The doctor seemed genuinely interested in learning about my health and concerns and actually took the time to step through each lab and explain what it means rather than just saying "Yep, everything looks good. See you next year." He asked questions no other doctor has asked me before and even took time to look at the labs from my former primary care physician. The whole experience was mind blowing, compared to any doctor visit I've had in the states. I haven't tried any others in PR, so maybe this level of service is just normal here, but it far exceeded any experience I've had in the states, even at high end doctor's offices. If you're looking for a primary care physician in PR, these are the people I would recommend.

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