Pueblo i San Juan

Puerto RicoPueblo



🕗 åbningstider

Avenida de la Constitución, 00907, San Juan, PR Puerto Rico
kontakter telefon: +1 787-725-4479
internet side: www.pueblo.net
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 18.455825, Longitude: -66.0840028

kommentar 5

  • John Smith

    John Smith


    Has a good selection, but it's more like a very local grocery store.

  • Nathalia Porras

    Nathalia Porras


    Just moved to the area about a month ago and have been here twice. Do not buy meat here. I have bought chicken and it comes hard and rubbery, and the last ground beef I bought said it was not expired, but when I opened it it was rotten.

  • Jose Orihuela

    Jose Orihuela


    The customer service could be better, when we asked what a price was the young man said "Ask the cashier." No biggie. Papi is a veteran and can't move so quick so we got what we needed and headed to the cashier. She was so sweet!! But when we left the store and saw the receipt we found out we could've gotten 2 for the price of 1 of the fruit we had asked about the price earlier!! Needless to say... Pueblo is nice buuuuut Econo Si Sabes!!

  • Family Goodenough

    Family Goodenough


    It is a nice place it's just a little over pricey

  • Armando Riera

    Armando Riera


    A large selection of gourmet items like cheese,wine and hard to find fresh vegetables.

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