Puerto Rico Department of The Treasury i San Juan

Puerto RicoPuerto Rico Department of The Treasury



🕗 åbningstider

10, Paseo Covadonga, 00901, San Juan, PR Puerto Rico
kontakter telefon: +1 787-721-2020
internet side: www.hacienda.gobierno.pr
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 18.4649884, Longitude: -66.1093658

kommentar 5

  • en

    Daniel E


    Mike Knox wouldn't follow JNX to Common Wealth Mount Vernan Then fly to PortaRico

  • en

    Matt Mccammon


    This is the 8th circle of hell. I spent two full days waiting there trying to fix a simple paperwork error they had made for a vehicle importation. It took them about 2 minutes to fix the problem, but 2 days of bouncing between waiting rooms to get it resolved.

  • en

    Loyda Perez


    Not even the automatic center is ok But after waiting to be served no one ever pick up the phone wait for 10 minutes then they connect horrible service .

  • Jose Rivera

    Jose Rivera


    Had a great experience. Of course I was there 7am sharp. Information provided was very complete and they resolved all my issues. Don't have any complaints.

  • Carlos Rosado Valladares

    Carlos Rosado Valladares


    It was easy to find, the area seems to be mostly clean. The service you'll get will depend on the person in the other side of the desk, some are good and others not. they have free parking with security constantly patrolling.

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