Puma Gas Station - Gasolinera Puma i Carolina

Puerto RicoPuma Gas Station - Gasolinera Puma



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Marginal Los Angeles, 00979, Carolina, PR Puerto Rico
kontakter telefon: +1 787-946-4262
internet side: www.pumaenergy.com
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 18.4315743, Longitude: -66.0035312

kommentar 5

  • Freddie V

    Freddie V


    1st time as a customer. Service was not prompt, however ok.

  • Jose Antonio Rodz Ayo

    Jose Antonio Rodz Ayo


    FastPay at the pump system does not work most of the time in this gas station. In these days of pandemic is more critical than never to avoid entering the store to pay for gas if there is an App that is supposed to avoid that. Get youFastPay system fixed please!!!

  • Ely Gaines

    Ely Gaines


    They are nice people that work there

  • Carol Rivera

    Carol Rivera


    Great product selection, friendly cashiers and clean restrooms. Thank you

  • Miszael Delgado

    Miszael Delgado


    Clerk at register was very rude since I came in all the way till I left the gas station. (1-18-2020)I came in & all 3 clerks (employees) where duscusin about a situation that allegedly happend this week w/another co-worker or manager. They where very loud & using foul language; but specialy the girl at the register had a nasty zazzy attitude apparently w/ all customers. The gentlemen before me paid gas & a coke; she had this mean look & just replies "it's that all?". The guy paid & left but before hand I ask for the price diff of some local beers. She yelled at me "well bring them over & I obviously will tell you"; I did & when I paid for the ones I picked she told me "well take the others back SIR, because this ain't no supermarket for me to take them back for you". I told her that if she had issues she should not be talking like that to paying customers; & she rudely replied "I don't care for you're opinion sir just take them back "this is not your supermarket" BYE!!. This is NO KIND OF SERVICE; plus she NEVER HAND IT ME MY RECEIPT.

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