Puva Tek i San Juan

Puerto RicoPuva Tek



🕗 åbningstider

978, Calle 31 Southeast, 00927, San Juan, PR Puerto Rico
kontakter telefon: +1 787-753-3734
internet side: www.puva-tek.com
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Latitude: 18.4000758, Longitude: -66.0751583

kommentar 4

  • Arturo Madrid

    Arturo Madrid


    They were very nice and careful with the covid requirements

  • Diangely Caraballo

    Diangely Caraballo


    I definitely don't go back to the place. The dermatologist who attended me prescribed something without even telling me what I have, why I went out and explain myself beyond giving me the recipe (but telling me that he has to give me some injections) but that emphasizing that he makes an appointment at his other office To continue there. I ask him questions and his answers with jokes that only he enjoyed them inside because every time it was more serious I would put myself until I stopped asking. I tell him about a cloth that I have (spot on the skin) in addition to the joke without thanks he only told me when you make the appointment in my other office you remind me to review it. I mean I lost my work day, the parking money, the time since 9am and the money I paid for the visit because in his other office he has the resources to evaluate me. I really won't come back.

  • Juan Rodriguez

    Juan Rodriguez


    I don't come back and I don't recommend it at all !!

  • Iris Arroyo

    Iris Arroyo


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