Ron del Barrilito - Hacienda Santa Ana i Bayamón

Puerto RicoRon del Barrilito - Hacienda Santa Ana



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Puerto Rico 5, 00961, Bayamón, PR Puerto Rico
kontakter telefon: +1 787-415-8601
internet side:
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Latitude: 18.4135617, Longitude: -66.1482619

kommentar 5

  • Chanel Malik

    Chanel Malik


    We had such a good time at the Mixology Class. A good balance of history and fun! It was also really nice to be able to make not one, but three cocktails and I will definitely be making some pina coladas at home! Thanks for the overall good experience for my birthday!

  • André Núñez

    André Núñez


    I gave it a 5 star rating because there wasn't a 10 star. The staff was very friendly, knowledgeable and hardworking. The facility was very clean with beautiful vintage decor. I've traveled to many caribbean islands and by far this was the best "RUM" tour of all. I chose the tasting tour which also includes a tour of the grounds. My sampling of their rums even included the Barrilito 5 Star, a limited 35 year old , $750 rum.

  • Jeffrey Marquez

    Jeffrey Marquez


    Great tour. Alot of historical information. Especially the story of the 1952 barrel named La Doña which will we only opened if and when Puerto Rico gets its independence. 68 years and counting!

  • Jesus Acosta

    Jesus Acosta


    Awesome experience!!!! I recommend you go on taxi or Uber so you can relax, enjoy, and have a couple of drinks

  • Ashley Lafleur

    Ashley Lafleur


    Amazing we couldn't get into the bacardi tour because it was booked up till December and its October now but we were highly satisfied with our tour it was private just me and my husband we got to get 2 drinks witch I drank both since my husband dont drink 🙃 and the gift shop was amazing the whole atmosphere was really neat its a small business so to thank the rum exceptional!

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