Ruth's Chris Steak House San Juan i Carolina

Puerto RicoRuth's Chris Steak House San Juan



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5961, Avenida Isla Verde, 00979, Carolina, PR Puerto Rico
kontakter telefon: +1 787-253-1717
internet side:
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Latitude: 18.4428635, Longitude: -66.0200617

kommentar 5

  • Luz Sanchez

    Luz Sanchez


    Food and service were awesome! Thanks Julio.

  • Mo Ali

    Mo Ali


    The food was mediocre. The prices were way too high. It was like 40 bucks for the entre but the compliments were separate. I think we paid about 80 per meal. Without any alcohol. The service was great. The wait staff were very kind. They still use dim lights like those old Italian restaurants. The only mood that sets for me is "sleepy". I really wanted to say good things about this place because the staff are so kind but that's the only thing I really enjoyed. Puerto Rico has great restaurants and I encourage you to support them but skip this one.

  • Deirdre Murray McIntosh

    Deirdre Murray McIntosh


    Independent of corporate chain. Doesn't have the same policies when celebrating birthdays.

  • Daniel Salazar

    Daniel Salazar


    The food was terrible the only thing good was the service the prices are crazy high for steak that is burnt on the outside and still alive on the middle don’t come here if you like to eat good and not have a stomachache

  • John N

    John N


    Delicious food, I always get the Porterhouse with Mac N Cheese Lobster, Calamari, Mashed potatoes. Sometimes we get the cream of spinach but its too much! Ruth Chris always the standard of dry aged meat, have eaten here on several occasions! Thanks so much!

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