Samadhi Yoga & Ayurveda Institute i San Juan

Puerto RicoSamadhi Yoga & Ayurveda Institute



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800, Avenida Roberto H. Todd, 00907, San Juan, PR Puerto Rico
kontakter telefon: +1 787-721-8420
internet side:
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Latitude: 18.4477661, Longitude: -66.0765144

kommentar 5

  • Caridad Suarez

    Caridad Suarez


    Very grateful to the teachers and the treatment. Thank you

  • Tania Ralat

    Tania Ralat


    I came back after Hurricane Maria. Pervio I tried to see the current prices but the page did not have them. At least I didn't see them. It was basic yoga and I thought it was gentle. When I went to pay the students are 13 and the regular ones 18. I went with two students. One for the first time. I did not take it because in total it was almost $ 50.00 dollars for a single class. If I get to know I will not go. But what bothered me the most was the treatment of the lady at the reception. He looked like a squad soldier. Nothing of adequacy or good treatment. I was very sorry because Anna was the teacher and I know of her excellence. My son and I can attest to that because in the past we took restorative with her. Before, prices were competitive and that's why I became a member. In conclusion I will not return. Outside there are alternatives. Namaste

  • Alisa Lane

    Alisa Lane


    Had a free trial yoga session here and it was pretty great. Nice staff and beautiful place. However, it is not cheap. But I guess that's the normal thing anyway.

  • Larry Meilleur

    Larry Meilleur


    Large space. Kind and knowledeable teachers. Love this place...

  • Lizelle Arzuaga

    Lizelle Arzuaga


    amazing teachers , delicious urban spirituality, with a diverse schedule, friendly staff there is a class for everyone

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