San Juan Airport i Carolina

Puerto RicoSan Juan Airport


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Avenida Aeropuerto, 00979, Carolina, PR Puerto Rico
kontakter telefon: +1-787
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Latitude: 18.4372609, Longitude: -66.0041074

kommentar 5

  • Jay F

    Jay F


    Going to San Juan was rough because we had to do this long survey to be able to exit the airport which I did not know about. I would have had the survey completed prior to arriving. I know has to do with covid tracing which is phenomenal on how they are being safe. On my departure from the airport it was a better experience. I definitely got to say they are more strict on covid awareness than here in the United States.

  • Maddie Roane

    Maddie Roane


    Great little shops and quite clean compared to other airports I've seen. Very small and easy to find where things are. Staff was very helpful. The only reason this has four stars is that there was basically only one place to eat (others closed) and the line was so long. The only place to get anything besides there was a convenience store that didn't have much options.

  • mel41138



    The airport it's for the most part under construction. Be aware directional signs are not so very friendly. Extra time to commute / get to your destination it's highly recommend it. I love Puerto Rico ❤️🇵🇷... Rental car returns from all companies are All located on the same place same entrance. Be aware so you don't have to drive by 20 times missing the entrance.. 🙏

  • Olga Morales

    Olga Morales


    Following CDC protocols. Everyone has a mask on. Physical distancing is impossible at baggage claim, but everywhere else is good. Airport was not crowded so you can safely space out.

  • Bryan Hernandez-Nieves

    Bryan Hernandez-Nieves


    A very beautiful airport a wide variety of stores and delicious food. There is a lot of security personnel everywhere is 100% safe. The only problem I usually have is that some of the airlines are understaffed and sometimes there is no one available to help check in bags etc. Other than that very satisfied with this airport.

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