San Juan Airport Hotel i Carolina

Puerto RicoSan Juan Airport Hotel



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Terminal D, HOTEL, Carolina, 00979, Portoryko
kontakter telefon: +1 787-791-6000
internet side:
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Latitude: 18.439269, Longitude: -66.004707

kommentar 5

  • en

    Yaakov Landy


    The San Juan Hotel has the worst costumer support I have seen in a long time. I booked a stay at the hotel and due to unfortunate circumstances i was not able to make the reservation. I had insurance for the hotel stay for this exact reason. Of course they aren't honoring it claiming that some loophole in the fine print that most people don't read. There are soo many great options of where to stay in San Juan and near the airport. Don't make the same mistake as i did and book at the airport hotel.

  • Jimmie Cockerill

    Jimmie Cockerill


    Good place. Convenient to terminal. Friendly staff. Good price. Has restaurant. Waht more do you want people.

  • en

    Bill Flannagan


    Our room is tiny. The hallway smells musty. The room was cold when we arrived. I turned on the heat and the room only got colder. When I called, the front desk person told us that the heat doesn't work - the only way to warm up the room was to turn the heater off. A whirlpool is listed as an amenity. The front desk person even gave us directions to it. - No, it's been broken since the 2017 hurricane. Parking is full airport price - there is no discount or validation agreement. I expect to pay over $20 for the overnight. On the plus side, the room is clean.

  • en

    Yelena Urgina


    We stayed at this hotel with our 2 small kids prior to taking our flight to US. For the price of the room we paid (over 200$) the room was tiny! The queen bed was the only thing that fit into that room, very disappointing, felt like we were stepping on each other! The room was clean when we arrived and check in process not too long. An employee helped us load the bags on luggage cart and bring upstairs. Our experience was ruined the next day when we were ready to leave, my husband went down and asked for a luggage cart so that we can bring our bags down in one trip. We waited in the room for about 15 minutes with kids starting to get restless, I went downstairs into the lobby. My kids are under 3, so they were playing in the lobby, after another 15 minutes they were getting restless and were being loud and screaming, any mother would understand the frustration of traveling with small kids, except I receive a lot of attitude form one of the front desk employees who was a tall blond named Beatrice (ID tag 20765). She asked me with a smirk if my kids were "alright". I said to her that after waiting for more then 20 minutes I could take the damn cart upstairs myself with two screaming kids and I'd be faster then them. She continued to be "smart" with me, very rude, unprofessional... said to "get over it" how does a person like that work in customer service? I hope management of this hotel sees my review and offer more training for their staff to be helpful for families with small kids instead of making things harder for us. I fully plan to contact the hotel via their email and try to contact a manager and complain about this.

  • Gaith Adhami

    Gaith Adhami


    prepaid "guaranteed" room was not available. they downgraded me to smaller room and told me I would get a refund for the difference in cost. When I called for the refund they refused. shameful greed by management. paid extra $75 for nothing. rooms are very small and pathetic looking. it was very loud. I got no rest that night. breakfast was a joke. not enough food for the amount of people there. probably the worst hotel experience I've ever had. I would not recommend at all. for the amount they charge this should have been a very nice stay. sadly I feel robbed and disregarded.

nærmeste Kasino

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