San Juan Bautista Cathedral i San Juan

Puerto RicoSan Juan Bautista Cathedral



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151, Calle del Cristo, 00902, San Juan, PR Puerto Rico
kontakter telefon: +1 787-722-0861
internet side:
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Latitude: 18.4656299, Longitude: -66.117988

kommentar 5

  • Bita Kazemi

    Bita Kazemi


    Open to visitors with covid regulations, they get your tempreture and ask you to sanitize your hands before entring. They have placed blue arrows to follow.

  • Nelson Muniz-Rosario

    Nelson Muniz-Rosario


    Just love going there, they have the best priest in all the Archdiocese of SJ, Fr. Benjamin.

  • David Black

    David Black


    Mass was with the archbishop. Lots of good songs, people clapping with the beat. Probably would have better if not for the Covid issue. They wer6live streaming for those who felt they couldn't be there. Ushers were good will taking temperature and everyone had masks plus social distancing was in place. Very safe place

  • Karen Rinehart

    Karen Rinehart


    absolutely beautiful Cathedral. Was able to catch a weekday Mass (12:30 I believe) while our ship was docked. Such a gift! There is a lovely gift shop available as well. Lots of history within the Cathedral itself too. And a cat. As there is no AC, the doors the streets are open. So we had our own fun viewing of a cat scurrying across the shiny floors!

  • SoFine Usher

    SoFine Usher


    Beautiful place of worship - a landmark a d historical treasure. Fortunate to see a lovely wedding in progress while touring old San Juan. You can leave a donation to aid in restoring the cathedral which was affected by the 2017 hurricanes. The community has done a wonderful job of preserving this beautiful place. You must see to appreciate.

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