San Juan Passport Agency i San Juan

Puerto RicoSan Juan Passport Agency



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Avenida José de Diego, 00940, San Juan, PR Puerto Rico
kontakter telefon: +1 877-487-2778
internet side:
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Latitude: 18.4489294, Longitude: -66.0665564

kommentar 5

  • mohamed ali ahmed

    mohamed ali ahmed


    I am really disappointed by the passport office who does not have any mercy or feeling towards people who have lost to their family members and instead of trying to help they play a ball game with me until I lost my flights and yet did not get the passport for my 3 years daughter. It’s really disgrace to not put at least some consideration and human heart even if your doing job. I wish I had the power to make changes here.

  • Ben Cooper

    Ben Cooper


    Best experience I have ever had with a US government establishment. Appointment ran on time and everyone was extremely friendly and helpful. I live in Dallas but would almost fly back here again if I needed a new passport

  • Eli Helmuth

    Eli Helmuth


    Quiet office with speedy service. We reserved an appointment online via the website and it all worked great. Staff from security to personnel were all super friendly. Best passport office in the United States.

  • jessiana Amadeur

    jessiana Amadeur


    Excellent service and super friendly staff.

  • David Risetter

    David Risetter


    Excellent staff and superior service. I did not expect this type of service at a government office. We were on a trip to the BVI and found out my wife's passport had expired and needed expedited renewal. Their office was open on a Saturday which allowed us to travel from Chicago to Puerto Rico (renew passport) and then continue on our trip the same day to the BVI. I want to thank the entire staff for going above and beyond expectations.

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