San Patricio Plaza i Guaynabo

Puerto RicoSan Patricio Plaza



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100, Avenida San Patricio, 00968, Guaynabo, PR Puerto Rico
kontakter telefon: +1 787-792-5328
internet side:
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Latitude: 18.4095482, Longitude: -66.1055637

kommentar 5

  • es

    Josephine Vergne


    Es un Centro Comercial acogedor, familiar y me siento segura. Muy cómodo para caminar y su remodelación esta espectacular especialmente las áreas verdes como de costumbre. Los empleados ya conocen al cliente especialmente Origami, Claro y Kmart. Servicio al cliente muy especial... No los cambio...

  • es

    Vilma Acevedo Velazquez


    Puedes hacer las compras cómodamente. Lo que buscas lo puedes encontrar desde tiendas de calzado, buen vestir hasta restaurantes. Tiene buen estacionamiento a pesar de que solo son tres horas gratis, el resto lo pagas tú.

  • Hector Roman Jr.

    Hector Roman Jr.


    This is a special and sweet mall. It like any other, I just shopping and the location. Go and see for your self, enjoy the movie theater.

  • Diego Muniz

    Diego Muniz


    This mall is a great place to go and eat something the watch a movie. The theater is old but does not get so crowded like other theaters in the area. Has some good store but still needs a few more so it can have 5 stars. The have plenty of free parking as long as you get in and out before 2 hours, after 2 hours you must pay a fee unless you go to the theater and the give you a extra hour for a total of 3 hours free.

  • en

    Red Rideing Hood Hood 1


    San Patricio Plaza is an up scale mall with a good and varied choice of stores. Inside it is light and airy. Considering it's located within the city its parking lot is good. The store mix is your standard care of national brands and locally grown businesses.

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