Sears i Carolina

Puerto RicoSears



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Avenida Jesús M. Fragoso, 00988, Carolina, PR Puerto Rico
kontakter telefon: +1 787-276-3200
internet side:
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Latitude: 18.3912201, Longitude: -65.9737398

kommentar 5

  • Javier DeNardo

    Javier DeNardo


    Sad that this location is closing. Good time for deals on appliances.

  • Krazy Brenda

    Krazy Brenda


    It is truly sad to see the CLOSING OF SEARS of Plaza Carolina. Gardening Section and fitness is totally gone, hardware items still there, few beds, furniture, clothes, shoes, washers and dryers were out the door as hot cakes. Perfume, makeups and jewelry are gone. I was able to purchase a set of luggage at 50% off as well as vacuum cleaners.

  • Carmen Matos0000

    Carmen Matos0000


    Boring, nothing innovative, its just basically the same Sears... ITS JUST BORING... Tell Eddie Lampert to innovate their Sears stores so they will look less boring. WHO THE HECK WANTS TO SHOP SEARS? Boring.

  • Carmen Lopez

    Carmen Lopez


    Love it i miss it they just about all of then Israel

  • Lazaro Miranda

    Lazaro Miranda


    Sears is a great Store .i rememberd it from Cuba before Castro......The Covid pandemic has destroyed its future.I hope the future wll change things,but no for now.

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