Second Union Church of San Juan i Guaynabo

Puerto RicoSecond Union Church of San Juan


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2109, Avenida Licenciado R. Rodríguez Apolo, 00969, Guaynabo, PR Puerto Rico
kontakter telefon: +1 787-720-4423
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Latitude: 18.3622263, Longitude: -66.0875915

kommentar 5

  • en

    Scott Andrews


    This church was Amazing!

  • Hector A Chacon

    Hector A Chacon


    Very good!!!

  • es

    Damaris Ramos


    Fantástica personas amables sencillas y con un corazón Enorme la presencia de Dios es indescritible

  • en

    Judy Koeppel


    Wonderful service ! Loved the people the congregation was welcoming they even took us back to our hotel. Pastor Bob was so good he sure knows how to preach! He stared off with a football story which got everyone attention! And then went on to the scriptures and preached for 20 minutes on how we can choose the right road. God bless second union church and the ministry they have.

  • David Banderman

    David Banderman


    I attended Second Union Church while I lived on the island. Pastor Bob Zoba and his wife Christie have such a heart for people. You will feel so welcomed by this body of believers. The church also has an amazing outreach for children and teens and classes such as Dave Ramsey's Financial Peace University for adults and college aged youth. You will love it!!

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