Sizzler Escorial i Carolina

Puerto RicoSizzler Escorial


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Avenida 65 de Infantería, 00985, Carolina, PR Puerto Rico
kontakter telefon: +1 787-701-1085
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Latitude: 18.3818297, Longitude: -65.9629817

kommentar 5

  • Angie Echevarria

    Angie Echevarria


    Disgusting food cold, undetectable my dogs food looks more appetizing

  • rammolo zaid

    rammolo zaid


    Awesome place for dinner or lunch, great viraety

  • Juan C Fong-Sam

    Juan C Fong-Sam


    Nice buffet and criollo food

  • Carlos Lopez de Victoria

    Carlos Lopez de Victoria


    34 min in the line just 3 customers in front then I ask for the buffet that it's suppose to be at a price before 3 PM so when I get to the cashier I ask if I get the deal because it was just 3 min after limit and the manager with bad attitude and actually kind of angry says NO you just pass the time period. As a manager of a retail store next to sizzler by the way it really concern me and I believe the importance of customer services with that manager it's not clear.

  • Ed Martinez

    Ed Martinez


    I Only give it One star and it's Because the Parking Valet guy was very nice. The Place was over packed. It was Hot. There was three of us and they Attempted to sit us in a small two person table and just add one more chair. I wasn't having it so they gave us a four person table and took one chair out. My brother had the salad bar so he started eating instantly, after a long Wait finally my wife gets her meal and I NEVER got mines. When I questioned the waitress being that she was never around and my wife already had finished her meal and she said OH IT'S COMING OUT .. I asked for manager got my money back and left that Horrible Hot Unprofessional place.. I came all the way from New York looking forward to eat there.. Great Disappointment.. It's a Shame.. No wonder they took All the Sizzles out of N.Y. Guess this one is next...

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