Smile Design Orthodontics i San Juan

Puerto RicoSmile Design Orthodontics



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Río Piedras, San Juan, 00923, Puerto Rico
kontakter telefon: +1 787-758-1560
internet side:
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Latitude: 18.395067, Longitude: -66.034066

kommentar 4

  • lamoyett Moyett

    lamoyett Moyett


    Through this desire means q communicate this gentleman had the opportunity and I had the opportunity to meet him personally. He worked very hard to get my teeth to fall into his canal, aside from extra tooth extractions that were coming out like crazy everywhere. Nobody would believe that I had almost abnormal and ridiculous teeth and this man did a thousand wonders. And the truth is, I did not follow my treatments to the letter and with everything and that they were beautiful. Thank God for this beautiful being. Victorazo

  • Alfredo Botell

    Alfredo Botell


  • Harajuku Nicky

    Harajuku Nicky


    Dr. Acevedo was an excellent orthodontist. He did a wonderful job with my smile. Thank you! Unfortunately, I cannot say the same about the new orthodontist. I went to the office to get some new retainers, because mine was not in good condition. The new doctor changed the type of retainer I used and what I have now, does not have the result I was looking for. The reality is that it doesn't work at all. $ 250 jackpot. The treatment of office girls, always excellent!

  • Mario Enrique Gonzalez Carbonell

    Mario Enrique Gonzalez Carbonell


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