Solid Rep, LLC i Bayamón

Puerto RicoSolid Rep, LLC



🕗 åbningstider

21, Puerto Rico 174, 00956, Bayamón, PR Puerto Rico
kontakter telefon: +1 787-647-6336
internet side:
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 18.3860745, Longitude: -66.1453065

kommentar 5

  • Leonardo C.

    Leonardo C.


    I have been working with Solid Rep, LLC for over a year now, as their customer. I feel lucky that my company and I landed in such professional hands. They have helped me to favorably resolve my trademark registration projects, advising me in every step of the process, including dealing with oppositions. I like that their focus is on getting the job done the best way possible, while others focus on charging you the biggest bucks possible. Thank you guys!

  • Andrew Keys

    Andrew Keys


    Alice is awesome.

  • Strong Calentadores de agua a gas Puerto Rico

    Strong Calentadores de agua a gas Puerto Rico


    We recommend the services of Alice Cabrera and her company Solid Rep. 100% I explain why and our experience .. Our company is called Strong Corp, we are young Puerto Ricans with a lot of desire to grow and with a great lack of knowledge in trademark registration procedures, possibly as happens to all or most of us. The Lawyer was clear, super fast within what is allowed in the PR government system, honest and sincere from day 1 she answered all my doubts and questions so much so that this fear that is presented to all "Beginners "It completely disappeared and it really is what we look for when we request a service. people committed to their work that guarantee us that security that we really need all young people who are unaware of many things but who really dare to grow and dream. with much respect Abnel. 100% Recommended..😀 Thank you graduate for making a Happy dreamer 👉👉🇵🇷🇵🇷🇵🇷

  • Ruben Santiago

    Ruben Santiago


    Your all-in-one stop for your IP needs. Excellent communication in all the steps of the process. Solid Rep is 110% recommended by

  • Kerrigan King

    Kerrigan King


    Attorney Cabrera is exceptional at what she does. I’ll definitely be going to her again for all of my IP needs! Check her out if your interested in protecting your company!

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