Southern Self Storage Guaynabo i Guaynabo

Puerto RicoSouthern Self Storage Guaynabo



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Carretera #1 KM 21.3 Sector La Muda, Guaynabo, PR 00971, Puerto Rico
kontakter telefon: +1 787-339-2611
internet side:
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Latitude: 18.3294859, Longitude: -66.0972635

kommentar 5

  • Anthony Gonzales

    Anthony Gonzales


    Victor is very very helpful, great property and ease of access!

  • Carla Joan

    Carla Joan


    First timer renting a storage unit. Sorelis and Victor have a great COVID protocol in place and made me feel safe while visiting their facilities. They were very kind and welcoming, unlike other facilities I called and considered. Sorelis is very knowledgable and walked me through all the details that I needed to make an informed decision. I'm eager to see how the rest of my experience renting this unit goes.

  • Joel Tejeda

    Joel Tejeda


    Great service, very helpful and respectful...Sorelys explained everything in detail.... Recommended.

  • Gracie Traverzo

    Gracie Traverzo


    Sarelis & Victor were of great help. They took time to show me all my options & details of the process.

  • Rauly Candelario

    Rauly Candelario


    Visited Southern Self Storage in Guaynabo and had an excellent experience. Sarelys,the host, was very informative and knowledgeable. Provided all the necessary information for my selection. Facilities are well kept and extremely clean. They followa perfect Covid protocol. Good job,Sarelys!

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