Starbucks i Caguas

Puerto RicoStarbucks



🕗 åbningstider

156, Grand Blvd. Los Prados, 00727, Caguas, Cañabón, US
kontakter telefon: +1 787-653-5317
internet side:
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 18.234385, Longitude: -66.0581443

kommentar 5

  • Nydia Lecsy Medina-Velez

    Nydia Lecsy Medina-Velez


    Clean site, good lattes, and great wi-fi reception.

  • lenny colon

    lenny colon


    Great place. Good service.

  • Wilfredo Rios Hernandez

    Wilfredo Rios Hernandez


    Very fast internet, killer chairs but I think it's for a reason: get your java and please LEAVE!! Don't hog the space.

  • Maria Dazo

    Maria Dazo


    Filipino culture is known for its hospitality and this Starbucks location is no exception. It's always crowded and the lines are long but the staff make it so much more enjoyable. Always friendly when I come to visit, you are always greeted with a friendly guard who opens the door for you. The staff are always smiling and make sure they prepare your order right. Everyone speaks pretty well English so if you're a foreigner this is a great place to stop in to feel a slice of home away from home. There are plenty of seats inside and out and the facility stays relatively clean. I enjoy visiting this Starbucks!

  • en

    Juan Garcia


    They kick out my familly and me before we can get our coffees. My wife still in line paying the food, and a person that is cleaning the tables said we don't have WIFI you need to leave. We wait to get the coffee and leave. No manager to told what happen.

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