Sumaq Silver & Jewelry i San Juan

Puerto RicoSumaq Silver & Jewelry



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525 Ave F.D. Roosevelt Second, Level 536, San Juan, 00918, Puerto Rico
kontakter telefon: +1 787-664-1823
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Latitude: 18.4220743, Longitude: -66.0742342

kommentar 5

  • Lua



    Excellent experience in any of their stores, their pieces are durable, of very good quality and excellent prices. I recommend them 100% ✨

  • Samuel Mojica (samu)

    Samuel Mojica (samu)


    Well know product knowledge!!! 🤩 Amazing quality and great deals on holiday’s! 🤩

  • Omaira Arroyo

    Omaira Arroyo


    I am a client of Sumaq Silver and Jewelry, very good experience with their merchandise. We absolutely recommend them 100%, excellence at he highest level. 👍👍👍

  • Julia Rodriguez

    Julia Rodriguez


    Very Bad I would say the worst experience. They were rude and disrespected me. At the time of purchase they do not explain that the purchase does not have a refund, there is no visible sign and even knowing that it was a gift. The employee of San Patricio is the worst of all, the manager not to mention. They do NOT have any dealings with clients. DO NOT BUY OR SPONSOR THIS STORE.

  • Melissa Rivera

    Melissa Rivera


    My experience was at Paseo Caribe. On July 20th at 3:00pm Before coming in I called to ask if the item I wanted was available. I described it to the person who instead of saying that it wasn’t available said she didnt know what item I was talking about. Days before I had called about the same item for pricing and the same person knew exactly what I was talking about. So, I decided to come in. The item was not available and it gets sent in from another location, Hatillo. Eight days later I called in to enquire about the order. I am told it had arrived 5 days before. I asked why I wasn’t told it had arrived. I am told, by the same person, that a TEXT MESSAGE had been sent. A text message?!?! I never received the text message. What kind of person sends a text message to a cuatomer?! I am a CUSTOMER not your friend. Not only that to reach me, They had my phone number, address in Puerto Rico and EMAIL!! They did not double check nor made any further attempts to make sure I knew my item had arrived. Given the 2 weeks time frame she told me the item would take to arrive from Hatillo, I gave her my adress to send just in case or even send it straight from Hatillo and asked her to CALL me and let me know what they would do. She did not say yes or no. She completely ignored my request. Upon my arrival to the store on Sunday July 28 at noon to pick up my item, the question I am asked is if I was called for pick up. What kind of question is that?! Just check the items!!! What do you mean? Was she surprised that the customers were aware that the items are available? Why? Indeed a box full of un-delivered merchandise. Something is fishy is here. This isn’t by far any kind of acceptable customer service. It is so sad, so many people in need of jobs and this store seems to have the worst employes of all Puerto Rico.

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