Supermercado Econo Naranjito i Naranjito

Puerto RicoSupermercado Econo Naranjito



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Carr. 152 km. 16.0, Bo, Naranjito 00719, Puerto Rico
kontakter telefon: +1 787-869-1300
internet side:
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Latitude: 18.2728356, Longitude: -66.2714256

kommentar 5

  • Cecilia Soto

    Cecilia Soto


    This supermarket is well stocked and well kept.

  • Anthony Woo (itchigo47)

    Anthony Woo (itchigo47)


    This Econo is out of this world. First its on a nice spot. Second it has a Popcorn Lab, a Casino, a cafeteria, an Eyewear Boutique and a smoothie shop all inside this supermarket. And third but not least, it has a lot of variety.

  • ParagonDayDream “Compass”

    ParagonDayDream “Compass”


    They've rebuilt a lot of stuff after the hurricane. Better selection. Fresh produce. Food and places to sit. Popcorn. Icecream... A great place to shop or even sit down for great food.

  • jaime figueroa

    jaime figueroa


    Great since their remodel upscale feel without the price highly recomended

  • Arleen Rivera

    Arleen Rivera


    When I walk into the supermarket I though that I was back home in Virginia. It look so much like ours. I was very please with the store and how beautiful it look amazing.

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