Supermercados Econo i Cataño

Puerto RicoSupermercados Econo



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Boulevard Nicanor Vázquez, 00791, Cataño, PR Puerto Rico
kontakter telefon: +1 787-285-2740
internet side:
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Latitude: 18.1408583, Longitude: -65.8291001

kommentar 5

  • en

    Florin Lepadatu


    It moved to a new location and the service is great, lines move quickly and the layout of the store is well thought out. I just wish they had a larger selection of produce similar to the Econo in Fajardo. Their deli counter is outstanding and the liquor section is well stocked.

  • Carlos Zerquera

    Carlos Zerquera


    Es mi supermercado,buenos precios siempre, estacionamiento con vijilancia y muchas atenciones.Se lo recomiendo a todos.

  • es

    Nydia Alejandro


    Buenisimo recomiendo el de Ponce muy buenos precios

  • Julio De Jesus

    Julio De Jesus


    El nuevo local es espectacular. Muy amplio e incluye una cafetería. Amplio estacionamiento.

  • en

    Amy Her


    The new and improved Econo supermarket is outstanding!!! The only thing I don't like is the area it's located in. It has public housing (caserio) right in front of the mall. The area is a bit depressing too, it needs a lot of work. But overall, the supermarket is brand new. I would've given it a 5 star rating if it wasn't located where it is.

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