Sweet Ann Cakes i Bayamón

Puerto RicoSweet Ann Cakes



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Avenida Ramón Luis Rivera, 00961, Bayamón, PR Puerto Rico
kontakter telefon: +1 787-230-7141
internet side: facebook.com
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Latitude: 18.4187853, Longitude: -66.1640832

kommentar 5

  • Elisa Cruz de Diaz

    Elisa Cruz de Diaz


    Los mejores postres, hermosos bizcochos y sabrosa comida... ambiente tranquilo y excelente servicio.

  • en

    Brenda Solares


    Bad Service, bad food, no fresh fruit like it shown on the menu. You are charged for food that looks nothing like what you wanted to eat. Will never eat here again, returned home to eat a better cup of coffee, and better food. Extremely dissapointed, cakes looked good, but so dissapointed with the meal, but want to try the cakes.

  • Geraldo Martínez

    Geraldo Martínez


    Tienen un excelente horario,localización,excelente servicio precios un poco altos con referencia a la comida pero son recompensados con el servicio atención sabor menú y lugar que desde pasarla en familia como medio romántico.Los cakes postres muy buenos.Los puede ordenar y ya hechos.Lo recomiendo

  • en

    Jenny De Jesus


    They are not consistent in th quality of their cakes. One day are good and fresh, other days are stale and dry. My niece and her daughters stopped by the Bayamon Store to get me a cake for the birthday of my other niece and it was a total failed because the cake was old and distateful.

  • en

    Red Rideing Hood Hood 1


    The environment.is very friendly almost home like.the meal consisted of typical Puerto Rican main dishes. The prices were moderate good selection of soft drinks. Sweet Ann Cakes it's main business is pastry. So you will find all those excellent sweets that one find in a good pastry shop

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