T-Mobile i Vega Baja

Puerto RicoT-Mobile



🕗 åbningstider

Pr Km 39.1, Bo. Algorrobo #14 #2 Km 39.1 Bo, Vega Baja, 00693, Puerto Rico
kontakter telefon: +1 787-858-6019
internet side: www.t-mobile.com
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 18.4457575, Longitude: -66.3961262

kommentar 5

  • Rosa Pereles

    Rosa Pereles


    Excellent service like always!!! 👍🏻👍🏻

  • Cynthia Caseres

    Cynthia Caseres


    Very rude costumer service.had to wait an hour to get service .had to leave because she never came back to the service station.

  • Tatiana Colon

    Tatiana Colon


    The excellent attention thanks

  • Layrrail Crespo

    Layrrail Crespo


    Excellent service. José Andino is very attentive, he was able to clarify all my doubts and he helped me with a lot of patience. In addition the store has a very good location.

  • Richard A.

    Richard A.


    Terrible customer service. Incredibly rude manager, sold me a broken iPhone and refuse to honor the warranty they admitted is for one year. They deny seeing the damage despite being there. The manager is super rude and should definitely be fired. Again, they sold me a broken iPhone 11 and refused to change it, twice. The service is incredibly bad, honestly, corporate needs to investigate, makes T-Mobile look terrible. I told them the phone freezes and they just wanted to “reset” it.

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