T-Mobile i Toa Baja

Puerto RicoT-Mobile



🕗 åbningstider

Puerto Rico 165, 00949, Toa Baja, Media Luna, PR Puerto Rico
kontakter telefon: +1 939-339-8595
internet side: t-mobilepr.com
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 18.4109958, Longitude: -66.2535594

kommentar 5

  • Sarai Torres

    Sarai Torres


    They are a bit slow because they cover more than two towns. The Associates are kind but unfortunately they are not enough personnel.

  • Felipe Rosado Vazquez

    Felipe Rosado Vazquez


    One of the Best T Mobile Customers Services

  • en

    yanira capo


    We were greeted by the employees. Although they were many customers, they had a a nice and balance team of employees. Our Mobile expert was Omar and he was professionally, he had knowledge of the products and services and took the time to explain us the alternatives, although we are an existing customer, our goal was to add another line. Exceed our expectations! Go team Magenta!

  • Brenda Rivera

    Brenda Rivera


    Excellent service

  • en

    Raymond Santiago


    Great customer service experience over here. I have visited many T-Mobile stores around the Island before, everything it's almost the same but the different with this one it's that you get the best customer service here. Can't thank Laura enough (sales representative). If you you need to change your device whether if it's for an insurance claim or you want to get a new one, I will definitely recommend this T-Mobile store.

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