T-Mobile i Canóvanas

Puerto RicoT-Mobile



🕗 åbningstider

Street #3 Km 17.8, Canóvanas, Loíza 00729, Puerto Rico
kontakter telefon: +1 787-957-1428
internet side: www.t-mobile.com
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 18.384007, Longitude: -65.874093

kommentar 5

  • Believe Creation Films

    Believe Creation Films


    Siempre que voy a este establecimiento pasó un mal rato tiene 0 en servicio al cliente!!! No vuelvo

  • Jose Luis Vazquez

    Jose Luis Vazquez


    The covid situation is an opportunity, NOT a problem! Lack of empathy, the client is not given excuses, solutions are given !!

  • Jose Rivera

    Jose Rivera


    Excellent service!! The very professional attention focused on solving and providing a solution to what one as a user seeks. Yamil took care of me in a spectacular way !! Highly recommended to shop around that TMobile store.

  • Maria cepeda p

    Maria cepeda p


    1 star because there is no way to comment if you do not, but in reality, ZERO star, lousy service. Not at all focused on customer service, who are we who generate the entrance so that they can have income. Incompetence, inefficiency !!

  • Jahan Y

    Jahan Y


    Much of the time they solve nothing. Or they simply send you to customer service to get out of the way.

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