The Bookmark i Guaynabo

Puerto RicoThe Bookmark



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Avenida González Giusti, 00969, Guaynabo, PR Puerto Rico
kontakter telefon: +1 787-710-7848
internet side:
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 18.408128, Longitude: -66.105031

kommentar 5

  • J.A Salazar

    J.A Salazar


    Love this place. I have been shopping here for years and always leave satisfied.

  • Katia Santos

    Katia Santos


    Love the store and their variety of books and stuff in general. The employees are so cool and overall so nice and kind! Nice location too! On a side note, PLEASE put the pricing tag on all the items. I think that out of 100 things in the store, two or three items have the price tag.

  • Juan las noches

    Juan las noches


    The best place to buy sweet coffee blends and buy books. All employees are magnificent.

  • Orlandi Pomeranians

    Orlandi Pomeranians


    Great selection of books and coffee! Had the best iced chai tea latte I’ve probably ever had! So glad they had oat milk. Also, awesome customer service! Everyone was very nice, will definitely be coming back!

  • Gabriel Khoury

    Gabriel Khoury


    Great bookstore to discover new reads and local literature. Staff is very helpful and knowledgeable, creating new ways of recommending and presenting new and past literature for everyone. Plus, you got a small coffee shop where you can sit down and read a book with a coffee or tea 👌🏻!

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