The Cheesecake Factory i San Juan

Puerto RicoThe Cheesecake Factory



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525, F.D. Roosevelt Ave, 00918, San Juan, PR Portoryko
kontakter telefon: +1 787-756-6200
internet side:
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Latitude: 18.4224488, Longitude: -66.0733243

kommentar 5

  • es

    Lesbia Rivera


    Pedí un sándwich cubano, sabía bien pero estaba el pan muy lleno de grasa. Las otras dos personas pidieron pasta y les gustó el servicio. Pienso que son muy caros algunos platos. Hay que dar propina. Para tres personas uno debe de llevar sobre 150.00 dólares para pagar los servicios de comida.

  • es



    Comida de muy buena calidad a precios razonables. El lugar muy bonito y el servicio de primera. Totalmente recomendado.

  • T. K.

    T. K.


    I LOVE this place. I spent over 4 month on a island and found this restuarant as one of the best in quality and taste. There is ups and downs everywhere & we do like some dishes more than others but I figure out that the best place is at the bar with Jaliza or Brian, because they always taking great care about me & my wife. They are great professionals and its always fascinates me when people are very good at what they do!

  • José Oliver-Didier

    José Oliver-Didier


    Usually there is a wait for seating but in my experience you do not have to wait more than 10 minutes to get seated. There is a wide variety of dishes to choose from. Staff is quite friendly. It is a good place for kids, and has outdoor seating as well.

  • Joshua Colon

    Joshua Colon


    Awesome place for cheesecake!!!!!!!! I was able to revisit after some time I must say food and service keeps getting better. The waiter was very attentive and kind excellent service!! They accept cash, credit cards, and have an ATM machine available. Thanks Cheesecake Factory for a lovely evening. 4 stars 🌟 liked it!!!.

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