The Home Depot i San Juan

Puerto RicoThe Home Depot



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842, Puerto Rico 52, 00928, San Juan, PR Puerto Rico
kontakter telefon: +1 787-731-1200
internet side:
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Latitude: 18.3365668, Longitude: -66.066182

kommentar 5

  • Cristina Guzman

    Cristina Guzman


    I want to recognize Daniel Rodríguez and Yadiel Calderon for the best service I have received in a Home Depot store. They, especially Daniel, represent a dedicated employee committed to their company's values ​​and customer satisfaction policy. It's nice to go to a store and receive such good treatment and service that exceeds your expectations, even when you have a manager who makes no effort to find options for customers. Thanks, thanks! That’s worth a lot!

  • James Auble

    James Auble


    First time buying paint at HD. Bunch of people waiting in line and employees just kinda taking their time. Finally get helped and they screw up my order even tho I slowly and clearly spelled it out. On to get a common board cut. Sorry machines broken. I just left everything on a shelf and walked out. Let's see how long I can make it boycotting home depot.

  • Kevin Smith

    Kevin Smith



  • Javier Valdes

    Javier Valdes


    It's home depot. Usually the same thing wherever. I generally give 5 stars to home depots (and I know this isn't necessarily their fault, but) man, lacking products. Everything useful seems to be out of stock. Each visit is worse in that regard. Hopefully things will get easier and they will restock on the commonly bought stuff.

  • Jose Filomeno Gonzalez Gutierrez

    Jose Filomeno Gonzalez Gutierrez


    My Mexican card from Bancomer dos not go through, thankfully I had some cash at hand and we're able to pay for the light bulbs that faded in my kitchen. It had been 3 days of cooking without light and burning my food. My tummy hurt.

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