The Outlets At Montehiedra i San Juan

Puerto RicoThe Outlets At Montehiedra



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Avenida Montehiedra, 00926, San Juan, PR Puerto Rico
kontakter telefon: +1 787-720-6165
internet side:
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Latitude: 18.3397003, Longitude: -66.0678486

kommentar 5

  • Emilio F. Flecha

    Emilio F. Flecha


    Very nice mall, especially after the remodeling a couple of years ago. Highly recommended.

  • Nydia Lecsy Medina-Velez

    Nydia Lecsy Medina-Velez


    Love it there. Great shopping, food court, good parking facilities for disabled people.

  • Chef Isaac Santiago

    Chef Isaac Santiago


    a really nice and small modern mall! super elegant food court, it feels like your in palm beach airport food court ahaahhaha! totally recommend it

  • en

    Milton Gonzalez


    The Outlets At Montehiedra whre you can find your best selections of Clothing, Shoes, Tennis Shoes and your favorite brands of stores for shopping, your favorite fast foods and Restaurants like Chili’s and Ihops, Big K-Mart and Home Depot and your favorite theathers with the sound your looking for like Imax, 3D and 4D and more and in the parking area excellent security and also GNC vitamins store and I recommend anybody to visit The Outlets At Montehiedra in San Juan, PR.

  • en

    Dana McCallister


    Very small for an outlet mall and they had four of the same store in the mall. They also have advertised that they have a Marshalls outlet and a few other stores like Nike however those stores are not there. However there's a movie theater just at the end of the mall great place and excellent seating in the theater.

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