The Pet Corner i San Juan

Puerto RicoThe Pet Corner



🕗 åbningstider

2324, Calle Loíza, 00913, San Juan, PR Portoryko
kontakter telefon: +1 787-728-6192
internet side:
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 18.45184, Longitude: -66.038977

kommentar 5

  • Mer Cantero

    Mer Cantero


    I brought Lucky for grooming. They did a very good job. Staff are very friendly and my dog was very well treated. They have accessories and food too. I will come back soon.

  • Marisol Cianchini

    Marisol Cianchini


    La experiencia fue increíble. Ella salió feliz y preciosa con una bandana. El servicio es excepcional.

  • Ann E

    Ann E


    My handsome boy has been groomed and boarded here since moving to PR in 2016. They ALWAYS do an excellent job. Pet Corner Rocks!!!

  • Gina Buk

    Gina Buk


    So so happy I discovered this gem! Such a cute store and the staff was amazing. Got both of my pups groomed there but wasn't satisfied with how one of them turned out. I went back and they happily fixed him up perfectly without any hassle. They place their customers as top priority and treated my babies with care. I will definitely be going back!

  • Lindsey Hood

    Lindsey Hood


    Great place to drop our dog! Great caretakers! And the owner didn't charge us for a day of daycare since they had broken our harness, plus they gave us a new harness! So kind!

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