The St. Regis Bahia Beach Resort, Puerto Rico i Río Grande

Puerto RicoThe St. Regis Bahia Beach Resort, Puerto Rico



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State Road 187 kilometer 4.2, Río Grande 00745, Puerto Rico
kontakter telefon: +1 787-809-8000
internet side:
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Latitude: 18.412531, Longitude: -65.819748

kommentar 5

  • en

    Mikhail Inyushin


    Exelent appartments! But the property prices are slightly exaggerated to my opinion.

  • en

    Vivian Lorraine Rivera Berrocal


    The beach is no good and it does not have too many atractions but the rooms are wonderfull!

  • Jason Von Bargen

    Jason Von Bargen


    This place is top notch everything. I stayed for free for a work trip, but I imagine it is very expensive to stay here. Ran into John Travolta too.

  • Neal Lewis

    Neal Lewis


    Gorgeous resort with great views and plenty of amenities. The staff is very accommodating and everything you need is on the property. But I found the food and extras to be extremely pricey. Cocktails are 2x what you would pay on San Juan and a buffet style breakfast was good, but $32 per head. My room's sliding door lock was broken and the room had a mildew (basement) order. The was remedied be a portable dehumidifier the resort supplied. Room service was a hit and miss operation. Enjoyed it for the most part but will not be retuning.

  • Maria Laura Alfonsin

    Maria Laura Alfonsin


    Impeccable service and facilities. This resort is its own destination all on its own. Very authentic Caribbean feel as it was a former coconut plantation. It has everything: amazing beach, gorgeous pool, jungle with hiking trails, kids club with many fun activities like nightly feeding of the koi fish and learning about nature, huge grounds to explore and full spa. Will be back soon.

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