Triangle Dealers Chrysler Jeep Dodge de Ponce i Ponce

Puerto RicoTriangle Dealers Chrysler Jeep Dodge de Ponce



🕗 åbningstider

Carretera 2 Km 225.8, Barrio Pampanos Int. PR-5549, Ponce, PR 00731, Ponce, 00731, Puerto Rico
kontakter telefon: +1 787-812-4000
internet side:
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Latitude: 17.995669, Longitude: -66.63416

kommentar 5

  • Rich Alfano

    Rich Alfano


    Why are there no Puerto Ricans on Star Trek? Because they ain't working in the future neither!

  • en

    David Junco


    My car has been for more than 3 month in repear, every time I ask Mr. Elder Velez keeps on telling me that he is going to have it ready during the afternoon for more than five weeks . No respect to the cleants Been an owner of Grand Cherokee’s for more than 20 years I don’t think I deserve this kind of treatment.

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    James W


    Worst Dealership in the whole Puerto Rico. This dealership is a scam. The customer service is horrible. They don’t complete your paperwork. They lose your personal information. Lie about the condition of the vehicle. And treat military personal very bad. Worst dealership ever. I advise anyone. BEWARE

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    Imilcen Rivera


    Triangle dealer really explains in details and makes you feel at home when buying a car.

  • en



    Great service, fast and with a smile. Coffee great!

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