Unagi i Caguas

Puerto RicoUnagi



🕗 åbningstider

Avenida Las Américas, 00725, Caguas, Bairoa, PR Puerto Rico
kontakter telefon: +1 787-344-6523
internet side: www.facebook.com
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Latitude: 18.2593923, Longitude: -66.0405385

kommentar 5

  • rob ramirez

    rob ramirez


    It be 5 stars if the host of the place treated us better... But the food is amazing

  • Anangely Ramos

    Anangely Ramos


    This little place is a 10/10. The perfect in between fusion of food culture. Service was immaculate and Covid-19 safe. This is a must go!!

  • Eduardo Negron

    Eduardo Negron


    Great and delicious food, we waited a little bit but the service has to improve. The host treats customers on the rough side and waiter seemed that she did not wanted to be there. Parking is small and place is small. Prices are ok and portions are big and great.

  • emanuel maisonet

    emanuel maisonet


    Called prior to visit but person that attended phone did not state that needed reservation, got there and was turned down saying was full.no accommodation or even the effort.

  • Idalia Melendez

    Idalia Melendez


    The food is super. Best shrimps, lobster, agucate, rice, mofongo and many other plates are delicious. I highly recommend a nice place to eat either take out or eat in.

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