United States Postal Service i Caguas

Puerto RicoUnited States Postal Service



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225, Avenida José Gautier Benítez, 00725, Caguas, Caguas, PR Puerto Rico
kontakter telefon: +1 800-275-8777
internet side: tools.usps.com
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Latitude: 18.2212911, Longitude: -66.0399655

kommentar 5

  • Diana Garber

    Diana Garber


    I sent a package to my sister it was supposed to get there by 6/21/21 last Monday due to covid it's delayed I understand, she went by the post office today the counter girl didn't want to look for the package that it said in it was there on 6/24/21

  • Mariangely Velazquez

    Mariangely Velazquez


    I came to the office with a pink slip for a packet and had received a notification I have another packet at the office. The lady told me she was not going to do the research because it takes time, and I told her, so I have to go back home (35 minutes) come back with a pink slip and then you give me the packet, I think I takes you less time to look for my packet Miss. And she just nodded "mjm, we need the pink slip". .. great customer service. Glad I left that organization on time.

  • D Gallart

    D Gallart


    I don't live in Puerto Rico, but I am going to give a review anyway. I sent a package to Caguas Puerto Rico and the package was supposed to be delivery it by Friday March 25, I did track the package to make sure it will be delivery on time and the US Post Office web-site told me that the package arrived in Caguas Post Office the 24th and it will be delivery on time the 25, so the 25 I did receive a message saying it will be delivery by the 26, and they said it will be late but it will be delivery the 26, then they sent me another message saying the package will be delivery today, then another message saying the package is late, so I really don't understand if the package arrived at the Caguas Post Office on Thursday and the delivery was warranty to be by Friday that package is still sitting there, so I tried to call the Post Office, more than 40 times and nobody answered the phone, absolutely nobody! So why nobody is answering the phone, at least to give me an explanation about what is going on!

  • Maribel Vidal

    Maribel Vidal


    Tuesday 25 2020 around 2:15 p.m. I went to Gautier Benitez post office at Caguas Puerto Rico. When I arrived the customer waiting line have more than 30 customers. Around 20 of 30 waiting customers were under 94° grade and a really hot sun. They didn't divided the customer line, they want maintain the people on really hot sun waiting line. I claim because I am a post office PO Box customer and I must pickup my letters and packages onside.post office not under a long, hot and really sunny line. I asked for an manager or supervisor personnel. They told that the postmaster was not on Post Office, then they make two waiting lines. After various minutes came Mr. Alex Ortiz a correspondence supervisor, I told that I must received my PO Box correspondence and packages on mu box, on extra bigger boxes they usually have available or I musr pickup inside PO BOX OFFICE. I CANNOT MAKE waiting line on thar conditions, never under really hot sun, with 94 94°. Regularly I received at least 5 packages and certified mails. I claim that USPS improve the post office delivery service, make adjustments to eliminate the post office customers waiting line. Some months ago I reported the same problems then they eliminate tha post office customers pickup packages.or letters on out post office line, but they changed the instructions again. If you don't change this problem I will move all my.corresponce to Federal Expeess or UPS. You must respect and consider your customers.

  • MrLcaez



    The post office unfortunately has no quality control due to Union protected staff that do not care about packages coming or going. With no recourse for the employees or management they do not care about lost parcels or delivery times. To make matters worse they have made it virtually impossible to contact management to file complaints or any other information necessary to help the customer. Cutting federal funds from the post office and distributing it to private entities that have a higher accountability and quality control will create more jobs, and it's just more efficient.

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