Universidad Ana G. Méndez i Bayamón

Puerto RicoUniversidad Ana G. Méndez



🕗 åbningstider

Avenida Ramón Luis Rivera, 00961, Bayamón, PR Puerto Rico
kontakter telefon: +1 787-288-1100 ext. 8302
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 18.4005221, Longitude: -66.1588013

kommentar 5

  • Mily BELTRAN

    Mily BELTRAN



  • Frank Claros

    Frank Claros


    Very interesting and good service

  • Angel Luis

    Angel Luis


    We looked for the laptop that the university gave my daughter and the organization to deliver it was Excellent. AG Méndez the best. Thank you

  • Jose Rafael Luna

    Jose Rafael Luna


    I live next door and it is an excellent academic center.

  • Ire Gomez

    Ire Gomez


    I studied at the Cupey campus but when I tried to apply for my master's degree I had to call Bayamon here because it is where they guide you about the master's degrees and other degrees that I was interested in. They never answered the phone, they didn't return calls when I left voicemail. The day they answered, the person spoke to me in a hurry if I did not receive the orientation I was looking for. I asked when I could meet one of them because I know that by phone it is a little more complicated but they were still not available when I could go. I think they should have more than one person to assist in this type of information. Thank you

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