Universidad de Puerto Rico - Humacao i Humacao

Puerto RicoUniversidad de Puerto Rico - Humacao


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Universidad de Puerto Rico - Avenida José E Aguiar Aramburu, Carr. 908 KM 1.2, Humacao, 00792, Puerto Rico
kontakter telefon: +1 787-850-0000
internet side: www.uprh.edu
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Latitude: 18.1470224, Longitude: -65.837486

kommentar 5

  • Arnaldo Roque

    Arnaldo Roque


    Unique on PR

  • Melvin De Jesús Flores

    Melvin De Jesús Flores


    Great job place!

  • M VA

    M VA


    I graduated from my Ba degree here! It is an excellent university! Very competitive in academics and certified or well prepared professors. I loved my experience at this university! Had my best years here! However, there is room for improvements on how the system works when enrolling for courses. Some classrooms need to improve because they are old structures and might have mold. Last time I went as a visit it looked like they took care of those classrooms. Also, the parking has holes on the asphalt. I hope they have fixed those. I mean I was there for an entire Bachelor's degree and they were always there! Overall, I am focussing on academics and how well they prepare you in your field of studies. This is why I give 5 stars. They are excellent academically speaking!

  • Leilani Figueroa De Jesus

    Leilani Figueroa De Jesus


    MY university My degree My success comes from here. Thank you!

  • Orlando Carromero

    Orlando Carromero


    Physics, all I have to say.

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