Universidad de Puerto Rico - Recinto de Bayamón i Bayamón

Puerto RicoUniversidad de Puerto Rico - Recinto de Bayamón


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Puerto Rico 174, 00959, Bayamón, PR Puerto Rico
kontakter telefon: +1 787-993-0000
internet side: www.uprb.edu
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Latitude: 18.3705811, Longitude: -66.1437571

kommentar 5

  • Alberto Soto

    Alberto Soto


    only good for its price of its studies, other then that to many problems with the students that think that beeing in a university that makes you have almost all of the schooldegrees money, since its so cheap. but not if you want to actually learn.

  • John Velez

    John Velez


    Educational system is excellent. There is much talent in this university. The classes are not a walk in the park. So expect to work for your degree.

  • Luis M. Nieves

    Luis M. Nieves


    Good university, but it still feels like a technical college. Great programs for science major, that is it.

  • Jose Obregon

    Jose Obregon


    Is ok if you want to keep studying on a high school.

  • Mariliana Martinez

    Mariliana Martinez


    The one for me. Cant see myself anywhere else...

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