University of Puerto Rico - Río Piedras Campus i San Juan

Puerto RicoUniversity of Puerto Rico - Río Piedras Campus


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2534, Avenida Universidad, 00925, San Juan, PR Puerto Rico
kontakter telefon: +1 787-764-0000
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Latitude: 18.4028091, Longitude: -66.0500407

kommentar 5

  • John Nogueras

    John Nogueras


    Great experience a love study in law school for 3 years

  • George Yin

    George Yin


    Good campus. I liked the architecture and the restaurants in the surrounding area. However, the restrooms are poorly maintained and are overdue for a cleaning. While I was only passing through the campus to reach a nearby town, the overall experience I had there was okay. Many of the buildings have vibrant colors schemes and it's interesting seeing the day to day life is students within the university.

  • M. 007

    M. 007


    I've died and come back to life a couple of times in this place. This is one of the best if not the best university in the island of Puerto Rico. The education isn't easy but that's not what you're looking for. It's ment to prepare the next generation of well rounded professionals. Inclusiveness and being yourself. That's what it's all about. ¡La iupi es la iupi!

  • Marko RG

    Marko RG


    Must admit I am impressed. All steps in the process, from admissions to classroom were smooth and easy going. Don't expect easy grades though proffesors mean business here. Buildings still going through repairs which is understandable with current events

  • Jefri Tamba

    Jefri Tamba


    This university has a great reputation and it is placed very high in the world university rankings. The courses are very intense and you will write a lot of exams. Although the exams are on a computer, which is great, no more writers cramp, the examiner can clearly see what you have written and the turn-around time for returning exams is 3 weeks maximum and your paper is emailed back to you with comments. You study one module at a time here, which really simplifies things, you are only learning about one topic and then you have an exam, which is a really efficient way to learn. Also, not a lot of emphasis is put on grades, which relieves you of some of the pressure of exams. You also have five attempts to pass each exam and the re-takes are not written on your transcript, which is really good news for us who struggle with writing exams. Most of the lecturers you will have here are professors, thus experts in their field, who are continually carrying out their own research, hence the equipment and skills used are the most up to date in the field.

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